Rachel Gluckstern

Creative Development | Visual Storytelling | Problems Solved

CONCEPT ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT -- Do you have the kernels of a plan?  Something new and different and potentially awesome?  Let me help you polish and focus your idea, help you pull out the high-concept potential, and position it for review.  Whether it's something commercial or something more personal, I can help you identify the hook and foundation of your new project.

STORY ASSESSMENT -- You've written the story.  Is it ready for editing?  Is it perfect already in every way?  Does it need a little work before it gets cleaned up?  Let me read it and help you figure out what stage it's at, and what your next step should be.

CONTENT EDITING -- This is the heavy lifting on any manuscript.  This is where we identify the specific puzzles that need solving and fix them.  Are the characters organic to your story?  Are their motivations clear and consistent and driving the action?  Do you really need those chapters?  How are your themes established and built?  Are the resolutions satisfying?  What's getting accomplished in each chapter?  Are there continuity errors?

For shorter content, especially non-fiction, are you burying the lede?  Is it a focused piece with a clear topic?  Who is your audience?  Is your unique voice clearly shining through?

Let me help you tighten up your work and bring out your clearest, truest voice.  You have something to say.  I want to help you say it perfectly.

COPY EDITING -- Just as muddled plotting and characterization can obscure your story, so can tortured language and grammatical errors.  At this stage, we clean up the literal writing, making sure all tenses are consistent, using correct punctuation, and trimming out unnecessary words and usages. 

PRODUCTION EDITING -- Have a project that needs to be produced?  Let me handle it for you.  I oversee all aspects of the project from creation to publication.  I hire and coordinate with staff as needed, set schedules, keep track of budgets and resources, and traffic the materials.  I review, edit, and proof materials, and ensure the product meets the quality standards.

BOOK PACKAGING -- Have an idea or license for a project, but you don't have the time or expertise to make it happen?  Let me handle it for you.  I can hire the right people, create the product, and deliver it to you ready for the printer.  I know how to manage a large pool of freelance talent to match to the right product, meet licensed standards, build and manage calendars and budgets appropriately, and oversee every stage of production.

CONTENT CREATION -- Have an activity book that needs to be put together?  Marketing text?  A blog post or review?  Have an artist feature you need written, or an educational piece?  I can write your catalogue, review your products here or for your company's page, build online products consistent with your brand, blog for you, and conduct interviews.  

KICKSTARTER -- You want to create and distribute your own work independently and through the grace of crowdfunding.  Let's figure out what role you need me to play in this project and build it into your budget.  You don't have to do it alone!